【Rusty】SNAGGLE TOOTH 2.0 4'5"

【Rusty】SNAGGLE TOOTH 2.0 4'5"

Rusty was redesigning the Snaggle Tooth when we signed Champion wake surfer, Chad Carlson, to the team. With some input from Chad, we made some refinements. With those refinements and design updates combined we introduce the Snaggletooth 2.0. The Snaggletooth 2.0 has a square tail vs a thumb tail. This gives it more area, which provides for extra lift. This also allows for sharper more angular turns.

The 2.0 has a modest single concave in the central part of the board which splits into a double concave in the “zone’ between the feet. The deepest part of the concave is out toward the rail coinciding with the rear of the fins. This focuses the water through the fins and out the back which gives the board extra bite and squirt. The foil is balanced and the rail is more contoured in the front for easier entry. It becomes slightly fuller and lower as it goes to the rear.

Made in our EPS epoxy construction with 2 Futures fin boxes. Fins and complete traction are included.